Lapolla, Industries is the first manufacturer of spray foam to launch the next generation of wall insulation spray foam containing Honeywell’s Solstice technology.
The first blowing agents were invented in the 1940s, and Honeywell has been at the forefront of every major improvement in blowing agent technology since then. As the world seeks new, lower-global-warming-potential solutions, Honeywell delivers again, with its Solstice™ brand of low-global-warming-potential blowing agents, refrigerants and aerosols.
Honeywell Solstice LBA is:
• EPA SNAP-listed
• Listed on the TSCA inventory
• VOC-exempt
Cost Effectiveness
Honeywell Solstice Liquid Blowing Agent will be more cost-effective than other solutions to meet ever-increasing energy standards globally.
• A near drop-in replacement for liquid HCFC, HFC, hydrocarbons and other non-fluorocarbon blowing agents
• Does not require costly hydrocarbon storage and handling or risk mitigation equipment.
• Spray-applied foam insulation (regardless of which blowing agent technology is used) can make homes 20-40% more energy-efficient than those using traditional insulation materials such as fiberglass or mineral wool.
• Honeywell Solstice Liquid Blowing Agent has been demonstrated to increase the thermal insulation value of highly energy efficient spray-applied insulation foams by an additional 5%.
Environmental Impact
Honeywell Solstice Liquid Blowing Agent is EPA SNAP-listed. It is a promising replacement for foam insulation blowing agents currently in use, with the potential to make significant contributions to reductions in global warming.
When substituted for HCFC-141b, HFC-245fa and HFC-365mfc, the use of Solstice Liquid Blowing Agent can yield substantial improvements in the environmental impact of foam blowing agents right away. With a global warming potential (GWP) equal to 1, its widespread adoption could save about 60 million metric tons per year of CO2 equivalent, comparable to eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from more than 11.8 million cars every year.
(Source: GHG Equivalencies Calculator:
Solstice LBA is non-flammable, unlike hydrocarbon alternatives, which require explosion-proof handling.
Solstice is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
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